3 Years in hairdo’s

Imme Mijntje LiselotteIMG_20120915_123527IMG_20120925_222310-001IMG-20120914-WA0012IMG_20120828_203028IMG_20130207_202417IMG_20130410_203101IMG_20130504_111701DSC031192IMG_20131107_102743IMG_20131123_22312120140913_162749 DSC03444       IMG-20140427-WA0011    IMG_20141024_112837 IMG_20150518_192720  IMG_20150619_234037   IMG-20150329-WA0007


When cancer got me at the age of 29, I set up a strategy, fought and rebuild life with a smile. Now, 3 years later  I’ve been treated for cancer, I’ve visited 14 countries, made my dreams come true (raised and trained a puppy), developed my career at Google, build a loving home with my boyfriend, started a new education, picked up on my hobbies cooking and gardening, joined a gym (joining wasn’t the hard part..) and had fun doing it all.

Many of us focus too much on where we are going (including me). Once or twice every year I try to pause and look back;to reflect on achievements. And I’m proud to say I lived up to my own standards; I’ve demonstrated some diehard resilience.

And guess what? The only way is up…



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